Saturday, 7 August 2010

Film - Role Models

My wife has just walked in from her day at the races (Haydock). She is drunk but happy drunk which is good in one way but also means I'm going to get waffled at for about the next 2 hours. Anyways in her own inimitable style she was talking crude to her friends at the track (they are all the same. I dont want to make out its just the wife. Trust me shes not the worst.) Anyway she had to explain to one of the women what a 'twitching starfish' was. And it reminded me of another movie - Role Models.

'Tell her you wanna see her whispering eye'

Personally I found this movie hilarious and especially one scene. Whispering eye. For those who haven't seen it, its for me was one of the funniest punchlines and reactions I've seen on screen for some time. When I watch comedies you sometimes see a chemistry that you can tell continued when the cameras stopped rolling. This was one of those movies.
See it.

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