Sunday, 21 April 2013

Oblivion - starring Tom Cruise

Saw Oblivion last weekend at IMAX Printworks Manchester and really enjoyed it. It wasn't Cruise's finest performance nor was it a groundbreaking story but the cinematography was amazing, as were the special effects.
I think one of the problems for this movie was the trailers showed too much of what was happening in the movie. To be honest there are not many trailers these days that don't show too much. Whilst it will fail at the Box Office in America, mainly due to opening after the terrible and shocking events in Boston (which kept many movie going Americans at home), it actually deserves to do well. I also think that the English critics made it out to be much worse than it is. But they get paid for their comments where as for me - watching movies is just for fun!
Its 2077 and Jack Harper (Cruise) is a security repairman on a devastated worn torn earth. He has only two weeks left of his mission when a ship containing Olga Kurylenko crash lands and changes everything.....
I'll not add anymore than that except that if you want a piece of sci-fi to liven up your weekend then check it out :) if you can see it in glorious IMAX then all the better!!!

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Location:Manchester IMAX

Sunday afternoons

The only problem with Sunday afternoons is the they preclude Monday mornings, otherwise they would be pretty damn good!!!!

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Location:Manchester,United Kingdom

It's been a long long time..........

Just realised its been a long time since I've been here..... And so much has happened in the last year.
I will have to decide what things I need to post here.....

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Location:Manchester,United Kingdom