Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Pic test

A picture of me to test my iPhone App capability


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Film - Public Enemies

Better than Heat?
Just spent the last couple of hours watching Johnny Depp and Christian Bale line up against one another in Michael Mann's latest. I enjoyed it but I think I've seen better. Still a great movie though.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Occupational Therapy

No not for me! We were interviewed by Ethans Therapist to see if we can help him with his sensory needs. 125 questions and we will receive our report back in a couple of weeks. It may be life altering but it probably won't......

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, 23 November 2009


This is Ethan, my son. He will be five on Feb 8th 2010. I took this picture at the local forest, where we were playing peep-o behind the trees.

Tears In Rain

All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain......

And that's what I'm doing here, because if your not in some form of documentation then its possible no one will ever know about you and you may know less about yourself.

Why the Title?

The Book of Rare Deeds is something that was conjured up by me and my brother Mat. In the early 90's he lived in a caravan in the back garden of his Mum's and Stepfather's house. No he wasn't a gypsy, it was just that his parents had decided to extend one of the bedrooms by knocking two rooms together, one of which was his bedroom. And from that moment forward he slept in a caravan in the back garden.
This caravan became the centre of debauchery in our little world and many things happened there (which I may or may not come to) but one night whilst inebriated in one form or another, we both decided that all the silly funny little things that had happened in our life should be put in a book - The Book of Rare Deeds

1st Entry

So this is my first post in my first ever blog. I am unsure where this is going to go and I am yet undecided. I even doubt if it will ever be read by anyone but myself. Which is no bad thing as I have nothing of note to say! Not entirely true but my life is at the moment, rather bland.......